You know that moment when everyone else is wrong and you are right? The time where there is no possible way you could be in the wrong? The time when you say what is on your mind because it is the obvious "truth". I hope you can note my shade of sarcasm here. In the heat of the moment (at least for me) I am right and I have no doubt in my mind about it. My pride takes over and my bad side comes out.
The other day I had one of these moments...Someone treated me in a way I thought I oughtn't be treated, so I spoke out in anger. I was deaf to the truth endeavoring to whisper in my ear, as I left to room feeling offended, hurt, and upset. As I continued about my work, I knew deep down that I was wrong but I couldn't bring myself to how I was wrong. Something inside me began to cry, "God, break me! I am blind to my sin. Show me where I am wrong. Bring me to my knees and humble me.Shatter my pride and give me the strength to admit when I have sinned." Something clicked at that moment. My mind flew to my quiet time a few hours earlier. I was reading Proverbs 6. Verses 2-3 say, "If you have been snared with the words of your mouth, Have been caught with the words of your mouth, do this then, my son, and deliver yourself...go, humble yourself..." This stopped me in my tracks and the Spirit brought about the repentance I had been desperately longing for. All of this leading to an apology and a reunion with the person I had upset.
I tell you this so you may learn from my mistakes as well as your own. Remember; the truth is not in what you think is right, it is in what God commands as right. Even in the heated moment when you have been wronged by someone, don't shut out the fact that you are capable of being wrong. Remember the weakness in your own flesh as you (easily) remember the weaknesses in others. Stop and ask God to humble you, even if you are angry and feeling unforgiving. Ask Him to bring you to a place of repentance and realization.
We are human, sinful, and weak, but through the grace of God, we are conquerors. We can better combat our human nature, when it is apparent to us that it exists. If we deny the weakness that courses throughout our frail bodies and minds, we are foolish. When you sin, don't wallow in condemnation and sorrow, recognize your fault, plead with the Father, ask forgiveness, and learn from your sin. It may sound odd, but I say, get as much out of your mistakes as you can. Examine points where you were weak and study what you can do differently to honor God the next time.
Every mistake, ever blunder is a learning experience. What will you make of them?
"...Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, your are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flames shall not consume you." - Isaiah 43:1-2
Friday, December 27, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Rise Again
Reinforcements Coming
By Rebekah (Pearl) AnastThere is a mighty army
Being trained to stand and fight,
A battlefield of soldiers
Learning what is right.
A Company of warriors
That will boldly take the word
To every tribe and nation
Till every soul has heard.
There is a mighty army,
I’ve seen them everywhere;
Most are wearing diapers
And dragging Teddy Bears.
Infants in the training,
Drilled in right and wrong,
Mom and Dad are making
Soldiers brave and strong.
There is a mighty army
Trained in righteous war,
Cheer them on to victory,
Children of the Lord!
I read this in the Jan-Feb 2014 NGJ (No Greater Joy) magazine today. It is a powerful picture of how things have changed. This was written in 1996, a year after I was born. The biblical idea of raising children, and bringing them up in the Lord has faded into the background of society. Many young women and men no longer have the desire to get married and start a family of their own. It is more about success in their personal lives and what they can accomplish on their own.
Surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly), the woman who has a vision for family and marriage is looked down upon. She is considered week and strange. Her desires to be yoked to a man in marriage, to be a helpmeet, are rare.
When the foundation of a society crumbles, it is natural that society itself should crumble as well, right? Maybe I'm seeing it differently, however, I will not deny what is happening every day in America (and around the world). People have grown cold to what was once supposed to be a warm blessing. They have broken what was created by God to be sacred and beloved. People are trampling the ground, the holy places once held in high regard.
A child in the womb is no longer a blessing from God above, placed there for a purpose, but a curse, one that has to be "disposed of". Now, marriage is not a unity or a promise. It is a possibly and a maybe, something that can be broken. Family is no longer a house standing together, but a house divided. And, if you know the Scriptures, a house divided shall fall (Mark 3:25, "If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand."). The sad part is, not many know the Word. Not many see what is happening, because they are unaware of the Scriptures. Do you see families who are united? Do you see children who are willing to listen and learn from their parents? Do you see the majority of parents pursuing their children and spending time with them?
It makes me sad when I see the family foundation crumbling. When I see children rebelling against mom and dad. When I see marriages failing because two people thought that love and physical attraction was all they would need to keep them together.
If only the family model could be restored to this country (and others). Can you imagine the strength there?
If Christ is the foundation of the family, it will stand united. If the house is united, the society will be strong. If the society is strong, the nation will be also. Christ is unstoppable. If He is within you, you are strong, for you bear the weight of the calling of Christ. You are an ambassador for the Kingdom.
I want to see a rising up of young men who have a burning passion to love, care for, and pursue a wife. Men who have the guts to lead in humility and courage. Young men who are willing to take upon themselves the responsibility to support a family, and raise their children to be strong in the Lord. Men who are servants of the Almighty.
I have seen such people. I have watched them work. I have heard them talk. I have seen them walk by faith. I have also witnessed them stumble. You know what they do when they fall? They rise again. They don't rise by their power, but by the power dwelling richly within them. Christ brings them back to their feet, so they can dust themselves off and press on. Phillipeans 3:13, "...But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." They press on. Proverbs says, "For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again..." I want to see the men and women who rise again.
Anyways, to make a long story shorter, I was impressed and deeply moved by the little poem above. I hope that some of what I have said makes sense to you. I so long to share some of what God has been placing on my heart. I am sorry I am not more clear in my writing. When God places something heavily on my heart, I have to get it out somehow! I pray for you and hope God speaks through this to you. Help our families to rise again.
Blessings always,
~Rachel S.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Journal Entry 11.19.13
I have determined that today is (and will be) a beautiful day. I am a little chilly, yes, but that'll put a pep in my step on this gorgeous morning God has made :)
No matter how many cats meow at the door, dirty socks are found behind the TV, rabbits are eaten by Phoebe (my dog), dishes there are to wash, clothes there are to fold, floors needing to be swept, letters needing to be taken out, goats there are to milk, emails to be sent, dinners there are to be made, fridges to clean out, bottlers needing to be scrubbed, eggs there are to gather, and no matter how many more days like this I will go through, God will give me the peace, joy, love, and grace I need in order to glorify Him through the hour, day, week, month, year, and the rest of my life...
I thank the Lord that I am able to place all of this at the foot of the cross and glory in the blessing it is to be His daughter; His cherished child, the one He loves, the one He gave Himself for. In Him do I rest.
"I have done it, and I will carry you; And I will bear you, and I will deliver you..." Isaiah 46:4
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
"...I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20
"Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." Psalm 55:22
"One thing I do; forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead..." Philippians 3:13
Rachel S.
I have determined that today is (and will be) a beautiful day. I am a little chilly, yes, but that'll put a pep in my step on this gorgeous morning God has made :)
No matter how many cats meow at the door, dirty socks are found behind the TV, rabbits are eaten by Phoebe (my dog), dishes there are to wash, clothes there are to fold, floors needing to be swept, letters needing to be taken out, goats there are to milk, emails to be sent, dinners there are to be made, fridges to clean out, bottlers needing to be scrubbed, eggs there are to gather, and no matter how many more days like this I will go through, God will give me the peace, joy, love, and grace I need in order to glorify Him through the hour, day, week, month, year, and the rest of my life...
I thank the Lord that I am able to place all of this at the foot of the cross and glory in the blessing it is to be His daughter; His cherished child, the one He loves, the one He gave Himself for. In Him do I rest.
"I have done it, and I will carry you; And I will bear you, and I will deliver you..." Isaiah 46:4
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
"...I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20
"Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." Psalm 55:22
"One thing I do; forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead..." Philippians 3:13
Rachel S.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Child of God
As one becomes more in love with Christ, the matters of this world slowly fade into the background of what is truly important. What the world thinks and cares most about is no longer what matters to the believer.
What God sees and cares most about becomes the very heart of the one who is a true child of God.
The fears that once gripped the soul will become like meaningless chatter, only small hills to climb.
Frustrations and unpleasant situations become beautiful opportunities, chances to honor the Almighty.
Illness or health, whatever brings glory to Christ through a life lived in the shelter of the Most High.
Through prayer and fasting, suffering with Christ and waiting, one does find peace. Peace that surpasses all understanding.
~Rachel S.
Friday, October 25, 2013
What Does "I Love You." Really Mean?
What does "I love you" really mean anyways? When a 14 year old boy tells a 13 year old girl, "I love you." is it true? When a guy looked into a woman's bright eyes and says, "I'm in love with you." is it true? When a girl feels emotionally attached to a young man, does she love him?
Love, the true meaning of it, has been dragged though the mud and made into something cheap and easy. The word love has been misused and abused by many. "Love" today, is not what it was a hundred years ago. You can "tack on" love if you want something, you can throw it in someone's face (i.e. "I loved you!"), you can pervert and twist what it really means...
Love isn't getting butterflies when he walks into the room. Love isn't always an urge for intimacy. Love isn't what takes place behind closed doors.
Love is sacrifice.
Love is commitment.
Love is humility.
Love is Patient.
Love is kind.
"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
" ...Do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another." Galatians 5:13
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfect in love." 1 John 4:18
"...A friend loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17
" For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life" John 3:16
Do any of these verses sound like the "love" this culture promotes? I don't think so.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing love. I am merely calling into question the usage of the word and how shallow we have made it out to be. I'm not saying you can't love someone, I'm saying loving someone takes more than just saying so. It takes time, work, and energy.
When two people truly love one another, it is because they are willing to put in the effort it takes. It is because they realize the love with which they have been lavished by God. Only through the recognition of the Creator's love for you, can you purely bestow love upon anyone else.
Have you ever noticed how many broken families there are these days? If there was never a true heart commitment of love, there will never be a functioning family, a beautiful "love life", or a strong relationship. Think about the flip side...What if there was a true, God-given commitment? Wow. Think of the beauty there!
I have been raised to believe that you never tell someone "I love you" unless you are committed (for example, engagement) If your heart isn't backing the statement, please, just leave it unsaid. To tell a young woman that you love her before you are "all-in" (committed), would be an act of selfishness. You may think you "love" her, but do you? Are you ready to marry her? To put a ring on her finger? Are you ready to go to work every morning? To be the "bread winner"? Are you ready to have babies? Little mouths to feed? Are you ready to make big mistakes, and walk through them with another sinful being at your side?Are you willing to disagree, have fights, forgive, and be selfless? Are you willing to listen to her cry, complain, and criticize? Are you just hopping to serve and study her? Are you truly ready for the commitment "I love you" should carry on its shoulders?
Take a moment and think before you declare your "undying" love for Prince Charming. If he hasn't said it, you shouldn't say it. If he has said it, no ring in hand, not on bended knee, take a moment and think about your dearest Prince. Does he just want something from you, or does he really mean it? Does he want to spend his life with you as his wife? Does he want you because he truly loves you, or does he just want you.
Don't settle for the cheap form of emotional, selfish, indulgence ("love"), when you can have the same love your Creator is offering you. He loved you so much He died for you (John 3:16)! Please, please, please, don't walk away shaking your head, hurt and confused! If you have any questions, concerns, or thoughts, don't be shy about sharing them! I would love to hear from you!
If you have any prayer requests, please visit the "Prayer Request" page on this blog. I will pray for you personally or (if you so desire, and only if you desire) with my family. I have been asking the Holy Spirit to teach me how to pray. It has been such a beautiful journey folks! I would like to be intentional about praying for whoever would ask...
With a heart that cries out to truly be able to love you for you,
~ Rachel S.
White Knuckles
Holding everything with an open hand is hard, I have to admit. There are so many things I am tempted to grasp in a "white knuckled" death grip (if you know what I mean!). I tell myself that it is my right to hold tightly, to never let go. To be honest, I am fibbing to myself. I have no right at all to be breathing at this very moment, except through the blood of Christ who died on the cross. I don't have a right to the clothes on my back, the chair I am sitting on, or to the bed I sleep in every night. The only right I have, is a right that has been given me by the Almighty. Salvation.
So...what use is there in trying to hold onto the things that never belonged to us in the first place? Everything you see around you is a gift from God. You have been blessed with life, a body, and a chance to glorify your Creator. What will you do with it? Will you choke out life by holding it too tightly? Will you write your name and ownership on every good gift given to you by Christ?
As humans, we tend to take possession of what is given to us. We have a "hide and protect" mentality when it comes to the good things in life, don't we? What good is there in hiding and protecting what isn't ours to keep? What joy is there in fight against the One who gives and takes away?
Hold loosely the things that God may take away, know it is always for your good. Open up your hands and offer Him everything. Open your heart and hand Him the key. Learn to cherish the blessing God has placed in your care, but be willing to give them up, knowing that they were never yours to keep.
Remember, the only right we have, was given us by the Almighty. We have Salvation, and it is our very own, through the blood of Him who died.
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." ~
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Asking for Prayer
Dear friends, family, acquaintances, and readers,
I have come here to ask you for prayer. I did not know a better way to get the word out, so I figured I would tell all of you (or shall I say, ask all of you) to be praying for the people in India who will feel, see, and endure effects from the cyclone. We have a dear brother in Christ, William, who has asked for prayer, as he is sure to see the damage from the storm (if it is to reach him). He asked that we pray for all the Christians who will have to weather the storm in places not fit for protection. He also asked that we keep the whole of his ministry (CSI ministries) in prayer at this time.
Thank you all for your support! To God be all glory, and from God all salvation!
Blessings Always,
~Rachel S.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Broken, Weak, and Weary = A Good Place to Be
Do you ever feel tired out and just plain spent? Your worries seem to loom like a gathering storm and you are not sure how you're going to stay dry when the storm clouds break. It seems like you are constantly stuck between two boulders that never budge. Every little thing seems to irritate you, give you a headache, or set you in a bad mood. Dirty socks on the living room floor (the culprit to be left un-named), five loads of laundry calling, "fold me!" on the couch, a fridge with a sticky puddle of goop on the top shelf (that has been there for who-knows-how-long), and a newly scrubbed front porch with artistic puppy paws stamped across it in lovely red mud (oh, I love you Phoebe, I love you Addie, but I just don't like you right now!!!)...these are the things aren't they? The things that tend to drive us me crazy.
I don't know about you, but a deep breath (a big sigh of "oh great" or "not again!") is sure to follow when these things pop up (*note*: seemingly all at once). I am tempted to grab a handful of hair and run out of my house screaming...but that would not be completely in character, and...yes, it would be rather scary!
Sometimes I can look around, see everything that is wrong, and still stand tall, knowing that God will give me the strength to get through my day. Nope, I don't even have to worry about tomorrow. All I need to do is glorify God through the work He has given me to do in the here and now. And trust me, I am not always going to glorify Him! I will stumble and make Him sad. I can take comfort in the fact that He is teaching me every second of every day, in every circumstance, trial, and pain. He is watching me and keeping me, holding me, and weeping over me. What more can I ask for? He loves me. Will a crumb covered kitchen counter, or a yucky over-filled trash can change that? No. Will the finger smudged windows or the washer full of two-day-old wet laundry take away from that? Never.
Don't ever believe that you are any less to Him or He is any less to you because the world has tried to overwhelm you. There is a hope beyond a hope beyond a hope for you! He is hope itself.
Please, don't grab a handful of hair and run out of your house screaming! Grasp the horns of the altar and lay it all at to foot of the cross. As spent, tired, and worthless as you feel, you are a beautiful sight my friend. You are right where God wants you. Right where He can work and love on you the most. When you are broken, you will be put back together. Some things cannot be fixed until they are broken. Once they are broken, they can be re-shaped and re-made into something whole and beautiful. Don't look at this weariness as a bad thing. Look at it as a tool that God is using to break you, and re-make you. He cares enough to use these little things (dirty socks, snotty noses, and stained t-shirts) to change you. What a thought!
God bless you all!
With love,
~Rachel Rose
I don't know about you, but a deep breath (a big sigh of "oh great" or "not again!") is sure to follow when these things pop up (*note*: seemingly all at once). I am tempted to grab a handful of hair and run out of my house screaming...but that would not be completely in character, and...yes, it would be rather scary!
Sometimes I can look around, see everything that is wrong, and still stand tall, knowing that God will give me the strength to get through my day. Nope, I don't even have to worry about tomorrow. All I need to do is glorify God through the work He has given me to do in the here and now. And trust me, I am not always going to glorify Him! I will stumble and make Him sad. I can take comfort in the fact that He is teaching me every second of every day, in every circumstance, trial, and pain. He is watching me and keeping me, holding me, and weeping over me. What more can I ask for? He loves me. Will a crumb covered kitchen counter, or a yucky over-filled trash can change that? No. Will the finger smudged windows or the washer full of two-day-old wet laundry take away from that? Never.
Don't ever believe that you are any less to Him or He is any less to you because the world has tried to overwhelm you. There is a hope beyond a hope beyond a hope for you! He is hope itself.
Please, don't grab a handful of hair and run out of your house screaming! Grasp the horns of the altar and lay it all at to foot of the cross. As spent, tired, and worthless as you feel, you are a beautiful sight my friend. You are right where God wants you. Right where He can work and love on you the most. When you are broken, you will be put back together. Some things cannot be fixed until they are broken. Once they are broken, they can be re-shaped and re-made into something whole and beautiful. Don't look at this weariness as a bad thing. Look at it as a tool that God is using to break you, and re-make you. He cares enough to use these little things (dirty socks, snotty noses, and stained t-shirts) to change you. What a thought!
God bless you all!
With love,
~Rachel Rose
Friday, September 27, 2013
Spiders, Dew, and His Amazing Glory
Hello everyone! It has been a long time since I posted anything! I am really sorry to have neglected writing, yet I feel it was for the better. I have not felt so inspired as of late. Well, I have been inspired, but I have not felt God prompting me to write, and so I did not. I feel exceptionally joyful this lovely morning and so, I feel God telling me to proclaim to you His Awesome glory, majesty, and might!
The sun came up in a gorgeous burst of light, through the mist and morning gray it shone. I took a walk with my dogs and marveled at the beauty of God's lovely creation. The spider webs, the dew, everything so unique and perfect. Here, I even wrote a poem about it...
~The Weavers weave on misty morn
Across the fields and trees, their lacy webs are born
When dawn breaks through to shine her light
They vanish yet, until the night ~
I wish I could say more! But so many times He leaves me baffled and breathless, in wonder, and praise. Glorify Him! Hope to write again soon :)
Yours Truly,
~Rachel S.
"The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hand." Psalm 19:1
The sun came up in a gorgeous burst of light, through the mist and morning gray it shone. I took a walk with my dogs and marveled at the beauty of God's lovely creation. The spider webs, the dew, everything so unique and perfect. Here, I even wrote a poem about it...
~The Weavers weave on misty morn
Across the fields and trees, their lacy webs are born
When dawn breaks through to shine her light
They vanish yet, until the night ~
I wish I could say more! But so many times He leaves me baffled and breathless, in wonder, and praise. Glorify Him! Hope to write again soon :)
Yours Truly,
~Rachel S.
"The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hand." Psalm 19:1
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Total Abandon
What is worship? How can we honor God by praising him? What would it look like for someone to completely lay down their desires and abandon all that they hold dear?
The greatest act of worship we can give is the act of surrender. If we kneel at the foot of the cross and say, "Lord you can have all of me. My hopes, my fears, my strengths, my sorrows, my heart, mind, souls, dreams, and abilities. You can take it all God. I want you to empty me so that all I have left in me is You."
So many times I find myself saying, "Oh, God. Take my sorrows, my fears Lord. Maybe you can have my heart too...well, only this part of it. Someday I'll be able to give up my dreams, but not now Jesus, I just can't."
Yes Rachel, you can. Christ only died for you! What kind of a message was Jesus sending when He lay down his life? Was he saying, "I give you half of me."? No. He gave us everything. He was stripped of any possible earthly glory. He was beaten beyond recognition. His head, that could have been wearing a heavenly Prince's crown, was adorned with thorns; pressed deep into His scalp. His hands, the hands that healed the sick and fed the hungry, where pierced through. His feet, the feet that carried him to the hill where he died, were also pierced for out transgressions. Like a thief, a sinner condemned to die, so He died. Blameless and innocent, He looked out over the people who had come to watch Him suffer. Was He cursing them? No. He was praying for them, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Even on the cross, He was interceding for us. His Father turned away from Him, because the sin that was upon His shoulders was great.
Can you imagine the emptiness Jesus must have felt? Can you imagine truly being emptied of your glory, your lifeblood, your loved ones?
If Christ had come and said, "You know what, I'm only going to do this half way. I'm not going through with this..." Maybe we would have a fraction of an excuse not to die as Christ died, to abandon all and lay at the foot of the cross.
So...why is it that we have such a hard time letting go? Why do you want your sin, shame, and sorrows anyways? He came that you might throw all of it upon Him. But, He doesn't ask for only the dirt in your life. He wants all of your life. He wants you to be emptied of this world so that He can begin to fill you with things that are eternal and worthy.
Picture two armies. One infinitely greater than the other.

The blood soaks into the grass and mud, dead soldiers lie in the wet. Wounded cry out for help. The smaller army shrinks at the feet of the greater force. A murmur goes up among the ranks as a soldier slowly emerges. Agonizing pain shoots through his side, the place where a sharp blade had met its mark. He looks haggard and worn. His armor is beaten and dented, his former robes of glory and headship, torn and tattered. No longer able to proceed, he drops to his knees, his arm pressed to his wound. Blood stains his tunic, telling the tale of lost bravery and courage.
The leader of the larger army watches carefully. His thoughtful eyes welling with tears as compassion and love overflow.
The wounded man looks up from the earth into the face of his opponent. The expression of kindness on the other man's face melts all of his former fears.
"Lord, here I am. Only me...[looks at bloody side] and this bitter reminder of my transgressions kneel before you now. I am wasted and spent, worthless and dying. I have watched fellow men die on this field for three days. I no longer hold the power to fight. I give this [motions about] to you. Here, my sword. Take my pain, sorrows, fears, longings, lusts, failings, angers, hopes, dreams, loves, and desires. Take it, all of me, and make me new again, for if you don't, I fear I will die before morn comes again."
He bowed to the earth and pressed his body in the mud and dirt.
"I abandon all to you, Lord."
As Christ looked on, the small battered army began to fall to its knees. The only thing left standing; a rusted crucifix on a bloody pole in the midst of the army.
Christ reaches out his hand, lifting the wounded to his feet again.
"You are forgiven and you will become new."
Just that picture gives me chills.
When you surrender your heart to your Creator, you are performing the most beautiful act of worship. With the Spirit at work within you, you can get to the breaking point. The point where you can drop to your knees and say, "God, I surrender all. I am completely and totally in your power. Bend me and break me, take me and remake me."
Easier said than done right?
Complete Abandon,
The greatest act of worship we can give is the act of surrender. If we kneel at the foot of the cross and say, "Lord you can have all of me. My hopes, my fears, my strengths, my sorrows, my heart, mind, souls, dreams, and abilities. You can take it all God. I want you to empty me so that all I have left in me is You."
So many times I find myself saying, "Oh, God. Take my sorrows, my fears Lord. Maybe you can have my heart too...well, only this part of it. Someday I'll be able to give up my dreams, but not now Jesus, I just can't."
Yes Rachel, you can. Christ only died for you! What kind of a message was Jesus sending when He lay down his life? Was he saying, "I give you half of me."? No. He gave us everything. He was stripped of any possible earthly glory. He was beaten beyond recognition. His head, that could have been wearing a heavenly Prince's crown, was adorned with thorns; pressed deep into His scalp. His hands, the hands that healed the sick and fed the hungry, where pierced through. His feet, the feet that carried him to the hill where he died, were also pierced for out transgressions. Like a thief, a sinner condemned to die, so He died. Blameless and innocent, He looked out over the people who had come to watch Him suffer. Was He cursing them? No. He was praying for them, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Even on the cross, He was interceding for us. His Father turned away from Him, because the sin that was upon His shoulders was great.
Can you imagine the emptiness Jesus must have felt? Can you imagine truly being emptied of your glory, your lifeblood, your loved ones?
If Christ had come and said, "You know what, I'm only going to do this half way. I'm not going through with this..." Maybe we would have a fraction of an excuse not to die as Christ died, to abandon all and lay at the foot of the cross.
So...why is it that we have such a hard time letting go? Why do you want your sin, shame, and sorrows anyways? He came that you might throw all of it upon Him. But, He doesn't ask for only the dirt in your life. He wants all of your life. He wants you to be emptied of this world so that He can begin to fill you with things that are eternal and worthy.
Picture two armies. One infinitely greater than the other.

The blood soaks into the grass and mud, dead soldiers lie in the wet. Wounded cry out for help. The smaller army shrinks at the feet of the greater force. A murmur goes up among the ranks as a soldier slowly emerges. Agonizing pain shoots through his side, the place where a sharp blade had met its mark. He looks haggard and worn. His armor is beaten and dented, his former robes of glory and headship, torn and tattered. No longer able to proceed, he drops to his knees, his arm pressed to his wound. Blood stains his tunic, telling the tale of lost bravery and courage.
The leader of the larger army watches carefully. His thoughtful eyes welling with tears as compassion and love overflow.
The wounded man looks up from the earth into the face of his opponent. The expression of kindness on the other man's face melts all of his former fears.
"Lord, here I am. Only me...[looks at bloody side] and this bitter reminder of my transgressions kneel before you now. I am wasted and spent, worthless and dying. I have watched fellow men die on this field for three days. I no longer hold the power to fight. I give this [motions about] to you. Here, my sword. Take my pain, sorrows, fears, longings, lusts, failings, angers, hopes, dreams, loves, and desires. Take it, all of me, and make me new again, for if you don't, I fear I will die before morn comes again."
He bowed to the earth and pressed his body in the mud and dirt.
"I abandon all to you, Lord."
As Christ looked on, the small battered army began to fall to its knees. The only thing left standing; a rusted crucifix on a bloody pole in the midst of the army.
Christ reaches out his hand, lifting the wounded to his feet again.
"You are forgiven and you will become new."
Just that picture gives me chills.
When you surrender your heart to your Creator, you are performing the most beautiful act of worship. With the Spirit at work within you, you can get to the breaking point. The point where you can drop to your knees and say, "God, I surrender all. I am completely and totally in your power. Bend me and break me, take me and remake me."
Easier said than done right?
Complete Abandon,
Monday, August 5, 2013
Step Back, Let Go
I've got to stop taking myself so seriously. I mean, what does it really matter what people think of me? If I smile like me, talk like me, laugh like me, joke like me, and act like me, why should I care what other people think? I make funny faces when I talk, I can't express myself without hand motions, I tend to fidget when I am trying to explain something of great importance, I make grammatical and spelling errors in letters, emails, and posts (not for lack of trying! Trust me, I read over things a hundred times and still miss stuff!), I wear glasses whenever I watch a movie, I love reading aloud to myself, I eat cranberries with my mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving, I climb trees better than any girl would like to admit, I talk too much (?), I am more country than most expect, I am a sinner, and I like to belt out worship songs when no one else is around (sadly, most of the time there are people near by that I am not aware of). Wow, this is me. A bad thing? No. I'm not proud of the sinner in me. I'm not exactly excited about the funny faces when I talk, but to be honest, it isn't hurting anything!
Please don't try to be someone else. Yes, you can be the new you. The new creation in Christ. But don't fret about the quirks that God created you with. They are all part of you. Your abilities and gifts are unique to God's plan. Hey, you never know, maybe someday someone will fall in love with that crooked smile of yours, or those silly expressions you make. Know that someone already has fallen in love with you and your "problems". Know that the one who created them has had his eye on you ever since he had the blueprint of you drawn up in his magnificently sovereign mind. God is watching you, praying over you, and planning for you. He has written your story, all you have to do is watch as the pages unfold before you. Praise God that he has a plan for that strong voice, those funny jokes, or that beautiful laugh of yours!
Pray that Christ would show you ways you can turn your "quirks" into his glory. You will find that the less you try to squash your true personality, that it starts to become more and more beautiful. Please don't be dismayed about the little things! Worry more about your sinful nature, try to fight against it. Don't expend your energy battling something that God wants you to have and keep. Can you think of anything more futile than that? Stop taking yourself so seriously. Step back, and let go. Guess who is right beneath you? Christ is there to catch you when you stumble.
I promise to stop taking myself so seriously...(did I really just say that?) Now you have to as well :) There is nothing more freeing than letting go and saying, "God, I am all yours. Take me and remake me." I'm not saying that you should ask Him to make you taller, shorter, thinner, or smaller, but ask him to change you from the inside out. Once your heart has been washed with the blood of the Lamb, you will be forever changed. Forever new.
I believe that God wanted me to write this post as much or more for myself than for any of you. I am so thankful that God has been able to use y'all (my dearest readers) to work in my life! Thank you so much for your support, prayers, and comments!
Not so seriously (in a good way), but always truly yours,
(If she only knew!)
Pray that Christ would show you ways you can turn your "quirks" into his glory. You will find that the less you try to squash your true personality, that it starts to become more and more beautiful. Please don't be dismayed about the little things! Worry more about your sinful nature, try to fight against it. Don't expend your energy battling something that God wants you to have and keep. Can you think of anything more futile than that? Stop taking yourself so seriously. Step back, and let go. Guess who is right beneath you? Christ is there to catch you when you stumble.
I promise to stop taking myself so seriously...(did I really just say that?) Now you have to as well :) There is nothing more freeing than letting go and saying, "God, I am all yours. Take me and remake me." I'm not saying that you should ask Him to make you taller, shorter, thinner, or smaller, but ask him to change you from the inside out. Once your heart has been washed with the blood of the Lamb, you will be forever changed. Forever new.
I believe that God wanted me to write this post as much or more for myself than for any of you. I am so thankful that God has been able to use y'all (my dearest readers) to work in my life! Thank you so much for your support, prayers, and comments!
Not so seriously (in a good way), but always truly yours,
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Embracing the Wind
Change sometimes makes my stomach twist and turn. How about you? Change can be our greatest enemy as creatures of habit. Sadly we don't often break out of the same-old same-old to smile and praise God for what He has done. When a hint of change, a shifting of direction, or the slightest possibility of the unknown arises, we shrink back. Back into our shells, back into the place we feel safe. Truly, it is dark and ugly where we take our refuge. A place of lies, whispers and uncertainty. The fortress that you imagine to be safely hidden away in is no longer standing. The walls long ago torn down. If all you have to raise you up when you have fallen is your own weakness, how will you ever triumph?
The winds of change, my fellow believer, are His holy tools. They are the surgical implements used to revive your long- dead heart. When everything beneath you falls away, all you can do is pray. When all you hold dear is suddenly ripped away, fall to your knees. Like the wounded soldier in the midst of the battle, he cannot help his fellow man, or himself. All he can do is cry out to God.
Change isn't a bad thing, friend, it is part of what is shaping you right now. It is making you stronger and (by Gods grace and holy plan) drawing you closer to Him. No longer should you pull away from the unknown, no longer should you raise your walls of false protection, for you know that everything that lies before you is for good and God's glory. God loves you enough to want to watch you become beautiful. He has a beautiful and blessed plan for you, embrace the winds of change.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Prayer for Daniel
We need y'all's prayers for an old friend. He got in a bad accident on a dirt bike and is in critical condition. The other boy who was in the accident was killed.
Pray for the family. Pray that God would help Daniel pull through.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
So much like the World
Recently I was talking with a group of friends about church and the media culture that surrounds us. One of my friends made a point about how the church often uses media to draw people in. Many times when churches do this, they are compromising. Much of the media now-a-days is full of worldly and (quite often) inappropriate material.
What do y'all think about this subject? What are your views on how the church uses modern technology and culture?
I can see where the human mentality would be to follow the pack and do what everybody else is doing. Why is this? Why is it that we think we will attract any more attention to Christ by using distractions? Personally, I don't see where Christ would be proud of a tactic that uses worldly attractions and lusts to draw people into (what should be) His house.
As Christians we are not trying to distance ourselves from the world, but draw as close to Christ as humanly possible while we are in the world. When one draws near to Christ they will find that it is easier to live in and not of the world. If you can't tell the difference between the "Saved" and "Unsaved" what is the point? People ask me why they would want to be a Christian if they look so much like the world. It's a hard question to answer. Why do God's people look so much like the world they are trying to change?
I look about me and find it hard to pick out my kin, fellow worshipers in Christ. We are brothers and sisters in Christ, therefore we should all be striving towards the glorification of Christ. How does playing a funny (or possibly crude) video in church glorify God?
What are we, as Christians, striving for? To be as much like the world as possible without quite crossing the line? To draw people in by the hundreds and preach to them? What is our goal? Tell me, please. Someone tell me why the church was created. SOMEONE TELL ME WHY WE LOOK SO MUCH LIKE THE WORLD. Legalism is not my goal. I hate to think we all should be the same. We were all created by God with a PURPOSE. He wants us to follow his word, his steps, and his leading to the same goal.
Much Love,
What do y'all think about this subject? What are your views on how the church uses modern technology and culture?
I can see where the human mentality would be to follow the pack and do what everybody else is doing. Why is this? Why is it that we think we will attract any more attention to Christ by using distractions? Personally, I don't see where Christ would be proud of a tactic that uses worldly attractions and lusts to draw people into (what should be) His house.
As Christians we are not trying to distance ourselves from the world, but draw as close to Christ as humanly possible while we are in the world. When one draws near to Christ they will find that it is easier to live in and not of the world. If you can't tell the difference between the "Saved" and "Unsaved" what is the point? People ask me why they would want to be a Christian if they look so much like the world. It's a hard question to answer. Why do God's people look so much like the world they are trying to change?
I look about me and find it hard to pick out my kin, fellow worshipers in Christ. We are brothers and sisters in Christ, therefore we should all be striving towards the glorification of Christ. How does playing a funny (or possibly crude) video in church glorify God?
What are we, as Christians, striving for? To be as much like the world as possible without quite crossing the line? To draw people in by the hundreds and preach to them? What is our goal? Tell me, please. Someone tell me why the church was created. SOMEONE TELL ME WHY WE LOOK SO MUCH LIKE THE WORLD. Legalism is not my goal. I hate to think we all should be the same. We were all created by God with a PURPOSE. He wants us to follow his word, his steps, and his leading to the same goal.
Much Love,
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Bridge to Hell
"If Sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for." ~ Charles Spurgeon
This quote struck something deep inside me. I thought about how so many Christians sit back and watch people run into the gates of Hell. In many ways we (Christians) are building a bridge for them. When a lost person walks into church and there is no friendly face to invite them in, love on them, and care about them, theyrun walk away more empty that before. They think, "Why on earth would I want Christianity if it looks like this?" When the lost are drawn into the doors of a church and are never fed true love and true friendship, they never learn what knowing Christ is really like. They may think that they have the real thing because it is what you have and everyone else in the church has, but it isn't what Christ intended all to have. When we have "Religion", we don't have Christ. When we have "Church", we don't have Christ. When we have a large congregation, we don't have Christ.
Then when do we have Christ? You might ask.
We have Christ when we have nothing. We have Christ when we have His love in our hearts. We have Christ once we truly realize what it means to die to self. We have Christ when we have His word, not religion. Religion never did anything of worth for anybody. It only paved a path to the gates of Hell.
So many people think that if they have religion, they have a free ticket to Paradise.
If you have Christ, you are alive. If you have religion, you are dead.
When a Christian truly has Christ, he or she will desire to love. They will throw themselves into the arms of the poor, helpless, and lost. They will begin to tear down the bridge that others have built before them.
So unintentionally did the Bridge to Hell get built, few realize that it exists. Few see the dangers of the Bridge. You don't realize how much Satan desires to protect it. He was thrilled when the blueprints were conceived in the depths of his dark mind, now he rejoices that he hardly had to lift a finger to lay a single stone within the foundation of this Bridge. We did all the work for him.
Friends and family, please hear the cry of a heart that so desperately longs to throw a rope of caution across the entrance to that bridge. Hear the voice of one who is breaking every day for those who walk across the Bridge to Hell. Cast off false religion and pride. Help me not only to destroy the Bridge to Hell, but help me to lay a Path to Heaven.
When my days are done on this earth, I don't want the Path to Heaven to be shiny and new. I want it to be old and tattered, worn and beaten down by the millions that have danced their way into the Golden Gates...
Many tears cried for you,
This quote struck something deep inside me. I thought about how so many Christians sit back and watch people run into the gates of Hell. In many ways we (Christians) are building a bridge for them. When a lost person walks into church and there is no friendly face to invite them in, love on them, and care about them, they
Then when do we have Christ? You might ask.
We have Christ when we have nothing. We have Christ when we have His love in our hearts. We have Christ once we truly realize what it means to die to self. We have Christ when we have His word, not religion. Religion never did anything of worth for anybody. It only paved a path to the gates of Hell.
So many people think that if they have religion, they have a free ticket to Paradise.
If you have Christ, you are alive. If you have religion, you are dead.
When a Christian truly has Christ, he or she will desire to love. They will throw themselves into the arms of the poor, helpless, and lost. They will begin to tear down the bridge that others have built before them.
So unintentionally did the Bridge to Hell get built, few realize that it exists. Few see the dangers of the Bridge. You don't realize how much Satan desires to protect it. He was thrilled when the blueprints were conceived in the depths of his dark mind, now he rejoices that he hardly had to lift a finger to lay a single stone within the foundation of this Bridge. We did all the work for him.
Friends and family, please hear the cry of a heart that so desperately longs to throw a rope of caution across the entrance to that bridge. Hear the voice of one who is breaking every day for those who walk across the Bridge to Hell. Cast off false religion and pride. Help me not only to destroy the Bridge to Hell, but help me to lay a Path to Heaven.
When my days are done on this earth, I don't want the Path to Heaven to be shiny and new. I want it to be old and tattered, worn and beaten down by the millions that have danced their way into the Golden Gates...
Many tears cried for you,
Monday, July 1, 2013
Breaking Me
Nothing is greater than the will of the Lord, for He sees all things and knows all hearts. What good will my worries bring but sorrow and disappointment?
What is my love to any man if not first given to God?
What is my joy to any peoples if not displayed before my Lord?
What is my life to the lost if not open to the will of Jesus?
What is my heart to this world if not broken and remade by the hands of the Creator?
What is my body to anyone if not first sacrificed to the Son of God?
What is my death before my enemies if not an act of obedience to Christ?
These questions came to me the other morning while I was sitting on the porch swing enjoying a quiet moment with God. I was surprised at how powerfully they struck my heart. Whipping out my journal and pen I wrote each of them down as they flowed through my thoughts.
My prayer as of late has been; God, show me my faults. Work through my mistakes. Lead me and break me if you have to. Lead me...
It may seem that this is an odd prayer. Break me? Why did I say that? What drove me to ask God to break me?
My sin. My pride.
Often times I cannot see through my pride. I get caught up with how "Right" I am and how "Wrong" you are. In the heat of the moment it seems like there is no way that I could possibly be in the wrong. To the bitter end (Sadly) I hold onto the feeble argument of correctness and moral. While trying to justify my "Right", I do what is so grievingly wrong in the sight of my Lord.
It is pride that has driven me to the foot of the cross. Gasping, I cry out to Jesus, praying that He would show me my wrongs and my failures. Praying that He might make a better woman out of the poor soul that kneel at His feet.
Sometimes one must be broken in order to be made new. Pride must be broken. How will it be broken? Christ will start to point out every detail of your life where pride shows up. He will slowly allow you to see the spoiled spots in your heart. He will firmly but lovingly extract the blot of shame from your weary soul. He will stamp out the flams of judgment and replace them with rivers of redeeming love.
Christ has begun to break me down. He is teaching me that I alone am not enough. He is showing me that there is allot about me that can be changed through prayer and supplication. He is asking me to be patient, kind, and gentle when my temper threatens to flare up. He is causing my thoughts to dwell upon wrongs that I would never have noticed a year ago. He doesn't ask me to linger on my failures, but to notice them so that I can correct my heart and thinking when it comes time for the right thing to be done.
Should I have ever asked Him to break me and make me new? A RESOUNDING YES! I am thankful that He placed it in my heart to cry out to Him in such manor. I know that rough times are ahead, that my nature will come out, that people will see me for who I really am, but I think it is beautiful. Not my sin of course, but the change that I know He will perform in me.
In all honesty, I want to be transparent with you. All of you. I don't know who you are (well...maybe some of you), where your from, or what you are really like, but I want you to know that I am a sinner. I am human (duh). I fail. I also want you to know that I get angry (surprise, surprise!), and self-righteous (pray...I'm not the only one...?). I love being me. I don't want to cover up my quirks, failures, and weaknesses, because I know that we all have them and we all need help to fix them. So many people are determined to hide who they truly are. I understand not blowing up in front of friends or not bragging about your awesomeness to classmates, but I don't understand this total mask that everyone wears. This mask bandages and hides the festering wound beneath. It causes us to create a person of our own design. God designed us perfectly the way he wished us to be. He placed in us free will. We chose death. Why are we not fessing up to it? Why do we hide the fact that we are sinners when everyone else on the face of the planet it a sinner too?
I'm not telling you to drop all decorum and to be "Real" (rude, mean, prideful...etc.) with the people you know. I'm saying, drop the walls that are keeping you from experiencing True Life. Tear away the Perfect's and the Pride's, and look forward, dig deep, realize that you are a sinner. Reach out and say, "Hey, this is me. A sinner. A saved by grace."
Don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about Cheap Grace (a term used most frequently by Dietrich Bonhoeffer in his book The Cost Of Discipleship.) guys. I'm talking about Costly Grace. We were saved by a Grace that died on a cross for us. Jesus didn't say, "Go now brethren, sit in a church pew, there you will find grace." He said, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me."(Luke 9:23) Daily you must take up your cross. Daily you must strive after Him. Christ died a death deserving of Costly Grace. Why do you sit back and take in this form of comfort that is only Cheap Grace? Take up that cross. It lay on the dirt beckoning you to touch it. Feel the grains of wood that have soaked up innocent blood. Heft the weight of it on your shoulder. Feel that it is a beautiful burden. A burden that grows lighter every step of the way.
You perform an act of taking up your cross by asking God to lead you. To show you where He wants you to be.
Don't shy away from the human nature that so often struggles within you. Face it head on. Say, "This is who I am now, but I know that through Him who created me, I will be made new." Our human nature can only get away with more and more the longer we try to ignore, hide, or deny it.
Re-evaluate these questions now that I have sufficiently talked your ear off about all kinds of things!
What is my love to any man if not first given to God?
What is my joy to any peoples if not displayed before my Lord?
What is my life to the lost if not open to the will of Jesus?
What is my heart to this world if not broken and remade by the hands of the Creator?
What is my body to anyone if not first sacrificed to the Son of God?
What is my death before my enemies if not an act of obedience to Christ?
Have you taken up your cross? Are you who you really say you are? Are you who God wants you to be? Do you pray that God would change you?
Now, somehow, I have to wined down after that...speech?...might you call it that? I dearly pray that I have not scared you away or caused you too much grief! I only wish to provoke you to deep thought. I couldn't sit with the wheels turning in my brain for a day without causing the wheels to turn in yours! I'm sorry if you had trouble with any of the concepts or my sporadic way of expression! I try to bring things across as clearly as possible, but sometimes it ends up in a jumble!
If you have any questions or thoughts, please email me or comment!!!
With many laughs, tears, and thoughts,
Yours Truly,
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Willing to be Wrong
Sometimes we have to be willing to be wrong in order to do anything right. God works through bold prayers and rewards those who put their reputation on the line for the sake of Christ, the church, and faith.
So often I'm not willing to dream big and pray boldly because I am afraid. Afraid to be wrong. Afraid to be disappointed. Afraid of what the world will think.
This manor of thought has proven to be a potent poison that has dampened my prayer life and removed much of what I once held dear.
I want to be willing to be wrong. I want to pray boldly and confidently, knowing that God works all things for His glory and my good.
What if you are wrong? Who cares, move on and trust God. What does the world think anyways? Well...not what you do. It doesn't matter what the world thinks of you! You are in the world but not of it. What if you are disappointed? Sometime trials and troubles come. So it is with disappointment. No matter what, Gods got your back!
Bold prayers and many Blessings!
Friday, May 24, 2013
I graduated on Monday with my three other siblings!!! It was such a blessing to graduate together! Love you guys so much :)
So blessed to have the family and friends that I do :)
Thanks guys!
So blessed to have the family and friends that I do :)
Thanks guys!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Perseverance and Pride
"I fear that I might never change, that the ones I love will turn away from me before I have a chance to better this pride shattered heart of mine." - Rachel (Journal entry 5/9/13)
Do you ever feel this way? Do you ever feel that your sins are next to hopeless? That no matter how strong you try to be, you always fall once you come to the tightrope of Pride? I am feeling a little like this.
Somehow I managed to make both my sister and one of my brothers upset with me this morning. I realize that the blame falls on my shoulders, after a long bloody battle with Pride, that is. I have yet to ask forgiveness, but I know it is called for and that my heart wouldn't allow me to go on as-is.
Pride is a beast that can easily choke out poor Humility, Joy, and Peace. It has a terrible way of preying upon one's weaknesses. Please, my friends, don't allow this beast into your heart in the first place, for Pride will waste and ravage what you hold dear.
Call upon Christ when you see the battle at hand, for alone you cannot hope to gain victory.
There is hope friends :) there is always hope, He is calling your name, beckoning you to the foot of the cross.
~ Rachel
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Falling In Love Again
I have my good days and my bad days. Some days I feel like I can't even talk to God because I am so humanly sinful. I get down about the things in my life that seem to plague me every day and every hour.
A friend just recently mentioned to me how God knows our needs and he knows the things that bug us. He also cares enough about us to do even little things for us. God places both road blocks and gifts in my path everyday. It is up to me how I react to them. Often enough I don't jump at the opportunity to honor God by working through a difficult situation. God cares about how you see things and how you deal with the little things. For example: I am walking along having a perfectly miserable day, everything seems to be going wrong and BAM! Another issue pops up. Am I going to choose to honor God through this thing that has come up? Will I cast my gaze to heaven and say, "Thank you God that you see me here, and that you care for me the way that you do." Or will I stumble over this trial in a way that would make my Father sad? Truly, I wish to take every opportunity and work through it for my good. Everything happens for a reason, remember this.
Through this amazing realization, I have become open to the world of God all over again! It's like falling in love with a God I hardly knew. God is so great and mysterious that we can never hope to know a fraction about him. Isn't it good to know that we can't "figure God out"? If we could come to the "End" of God, what kind of an amazing being would he be? He wouldn't be God at all!
I'm just overjoyed to rediscover the awesomeness of our God! I know it may seen weird, but I am so lucky and so happy! Thanks for reading :)
Health, Happiness, Kindness, and Joy,
A friend just recently mentioned to me how God knows our needs and he knows the things that bug us. He also cares enough about us to do even little things for us. God places both road blocks and gifts in my path everyday. It is up to me how I react to them. Often enough I don't jump at the opportunity to honor God by working through a difficult situation. God cares about how you see things and how you deal with the little things. For example: I am walking along having a perfectly miserable day, everything seems to be going wrong and BAM! Another issue pops up. Am I going to choose to honor God through this thing that has come up? Will I cast my gaze to heaven and say, "Thank you God that you see me here, and that you care for me the way that you do." Or will I stumble over this trial in a way that would make my Father sad? Truly, I wish to take every opportunity and work through it for my good. Everything happens for a reason, remember this.
Through this amazing realization, I have become open to the world of God all over again! It's like falling in love with a God I hardly knew. God is so great and mysterious that we can never hope to know a fraction about him. Isn't it good to know that we can't "figure God out"? If we could come to the "End" of God, what kind of an amazing being would he be? He wouldn't be God at all!
I'm just overjoyed to rediscover the awesomeness of our God! I know it may seen weird, but I am so lucky and so happy! Thanks for reading :)
Health, Happiness, Kindness, and Joy,
Stay at home?
I have been going through a book called "Joyfully at home" with a group of friends. A friend of mine is leading the discussion, I am so thankful that she was led to start the study.
We have been talking about stay at home daughter hood. You may be thinking ...ok so...well it is very interesting to examine the thought process behind staying at home as a daughter. Is it because we wish to be lazy? Is it because we expect to be married ASAP? Is it because we are afraid to go out into the world? The answer to each of these questions is A resounding NO! My reasons for staying at home are biblical. Iplan hope to be married some day, but I'm not out searching the streets for a potential mate, or waiting at home for him to ride in on his white horse. I know that God has a plan for me and He also has a man for me (if He desires that I should be married). Why should I wait around for him if I can be keeping busy doing what God wants for me?
One thing that God has for me is to serve my father while I am still under his roof. I can still go out into the world and be myself, and still ask advice and be led by my loving father. I am so blessed to have the dad that I do. I understand that many of you may not have the earthy influence that a dad can bring. Pray that God would lead you in his footsteps :)
I guess I just wanted to share this to let y'all know what I have been up to, and to see what your thoughts on the subject are.
We have been talking about stay at home daughter hood. You may be thinking ...ok so...well it is very interesting to examine the thought process behind staying at home as a daughter. Is it because we wish to be lazy? Is it because we expect to be married ASAP? Is it because we are afraid to go out into the world? The answer to each of these questions is A resounding NO! My reasons for staying at home are biblical. I
One thing that God has for me is to serve my father while I am still under his roof. I can still go out into the world and be myself, and still ask advice and be led by my loving father. I am so blessed to have the dad that I do. I understand that many of you may not have the earthy influence that a dad can bring. Pray that God would lead you in his footsteps :)
I guess I just wanted to share this to let y'all know what I have been up to, and to see what your thoughts on the subject are.
What is Devotion?

This question came to me today as I sat and thought about my relationship with Christ. I thought about how much He has done for me and how little I have done for him. He stooped to our level in order to love and devote His life to us, so much so that He died for us.
The picture of a young man hanging on a bloody cross is the very picture of devotion.
I sit and think about how "devoted" I am in my life. I'm not exactly as devoted as I want to be. I would like to be devoted to my family, friends, and most of all, to Christ. I can see where my relationship with Christ would be 99.9% better if I would try my utmost to devote my life to Him. It seems like a cliche matter, but it is serious.
There is no way that we can devote ourselves as Jesus did, but we can try. There is nothing that should (or can) stop us from trying to be like Jesus.
Take a moment today and think about what devotion really means and how (if played out in your life) it could change your world.
If anyone has more thoughts on devotion and what it means, please, do comment!
Yours Truly,
Monday, May 6, 2013
Things are changing so fast around me, it's like a storm is on its way, it is hard to keep up. Graduation is on the 20th and I have no idea where to go from there. I don't have to go anywhere, I just feel like I should have a bigger part to play for some odd, selfish, reason. I want to be able to serve Christ the way that he has designed me to serve, but what way is that? How am I to praise God when I don't know where He wants me?
The change makes my stomach twist into knots, yet at the same time it makes me smile to think about what might be ahead. My sense of adventure starts to stir every time I think about the future.
I realize that change is a good thing. I see where God has changed my life in may ways and created a realization of my abilities and failings. I have become a better person through the Holy Spirits Changing hand.
Of course I find myself wandering the road of condemnation. I find my sin to be repulsive and disgusting, yet somehow I still run back to it every time. We all struggle I am sure, yet I feel that my doubts have gotten the best of me. Deep inside there is a voice that whispers to me all the time. It speaks of love and peace, joy, and kindness. The woman that I wish to be. It tells me that I improve every day, no matter how minuscule the improvement may seem. I am trying to glorify God through my actions and deeds, but sometimes it is so hard, is rubs against the grain of my nature. I think that we may all feel this way at times...?
I feel like am rambling, so I guess I will take my leave. Blessings to you! Good day.
The change makes my stomach twist into knots, yet at the same time it makes me smile to think about what might be ahead. My sense of adventure starts to stir every time I think about the future.
I realize that change is a good thing. I see where God has changed my life in may ways and created a realization of my abilities and failings. I have become a better person through the Holy Spirits Changing hand.
Of course I find myself wandering the road of condemnation. I find my sin to be repulsive and disgusting, yet somehow I still run back to it every time. We all struggle I am sure, yet I feel that my doubts have gotten the best of me. Deep inside there is a voice that whispers to me all the time. It speaks of love and peace, joy, and kindness. The woman that I wish to be. It tells me that I improve every day, no matter how minuscule the improvement may seem. I am trying to glorify God through my actions and deeds, but sometimes it is so hard, is rubs against the grain of my nature. I think that we may all feel this way at times...?
I feel like am rambling, so I guess I will take my leave. Blessings to you! Good day.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Finding Home
Finding a church home is not as easy as it seems. We all know that there will never be a perfect church or group of people because no matter what, we are with fail able, sinful, human beings.
We are at a point right now where we have no idea where to turn other than to God. We don't know if God wants us in the church we are in or if he wants us serving somewhere else. We have been praying fervently about this.
If you would, please be praying for us and all of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that are in the same place that we are. Pray that we would have peace and direction in this time.
Thanks so much!
Blessings Always,
We are at a point right now where we have no idea where to turn other than to God. We don't know if God wants us in the church we are in or if he wants us serving somewhere else. We have been praying fervently about this.
If you would, please be praying for us and all of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that are in the same place that we are. Pray that we would have peace and direction in this time.
Thanks so much!
Blessings Always,
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Sparks, Flames, and All
There comes a point when one can no longer sit silently and watch as their homeland is torn apart. One can only wait for the best to happen, but after waiting a lifetime, action seems inevitable. Many are afraid to act out. Many see things but do not mention them. And many "Stand-by" to "Stand-by", because it is easier to hurry up and wait than it is to actually do something.
Who are we as a nation? World power? Richest? Strongest? Hmmm... I don't know anymore.
Are "We the People" actually part of "We the Government"? Stand back, watch a moment and tell me what you see. Tell me; is God here? Is He moving? Where is our loyalty and foundation in Christ? It seems to me that it sank into the soil and dissipated over time.
That rugged old cross was the emblem upon which we based the whole of the Constitution, Declaration, and foundation of this country.
Hey, maybe some of our founding fathers were weird and some of them rather insane, but 95% of them were strong God fearing men who created a blueprint for this nation under God.
We have been slowly drifting out to sea. Our original goal? To stay ashore. Should we not at least be fighting the waves? They grow stronger and more true every mile we are carried away from land. The worst is yet to come if we don't start fighting to swim back to dry ground. A horrible death; drowning lies ahead.
As America has become secular, liberal, and materialistic, humankind has pulled away from its life source. Christ.
Many of course don't realize or believe this. They think that a life full of sex, drugs, and partying can be sustained somehow, yet deep inside they wonder how they will make it from one day to the next with the shame that they feel. There is always hope you see. Even though shore seems a long way off, if the waves are fought against, one will find a strong hand helping and guiding as they swim back to safety. Christ forgives those who ask for forgiveness, and He strengthens those who ask for strength.
So, this is me speaking out. This is me waiting, watching and struggling. This is me finally saying, we have to change because America and its government is sinking. For some reason though, I don't feel that the captain truly wants to go down with the ship. Only a true, worthy captain will try to turn his vessel away from the iceberg, and still go down with it if need be. The sad part is, our "Captain" does nothing to stop this head on collision, and neither does he plan to go down with his ship. Sparks, flames, and all. Our "Captain", of course, is not our Creator but those who dictate our presiding government.
Is there anything we can do about it?
Hope and Prayers,
Who are we as a nation? World power? Richest? Strongest? Hmmm... I don't know anymore.
Are "We the People" actually part of "We the Government"? Stand back, watch a moment and tell me what you see. Tell me; is God here? Is He moving? Where is our loyalty and foundation in Christ? It seems to me that it sank into the soil and dissipated over time.
That rugged old cross was the emblem upon which we based the whole of the Constitution, Declaration, and foundation of this country.
Hey, maybe some of our founding fathers were weird and some of them rather insane, but 95% of them were strong God fearing men who created a blueprint for this nation under God.
We have been slowly drifting out to sea. Our original goal? To stay ashore. Should we not at least be fighting the waves? They grow stronger and more true every mile we are carried away from land. The worst is yet to come if we don't start fighting to swim back to dry ground. A horrible death; drowning lies ahead.
As America has become secular, liberal, and materialistic, humankind has pulled away from its life source. Christ.
Many of course don't realize or believe this. They think that a life full of sex, drugs, and partying can be sustained somehow, yet deep inside they wonder how they will make it from one day to the next with the shame that they feel. There is always hope you see. Even though shore seems a long way off, if the waves are fought against, one will find a strong hand helping and guiding as they swim back to safety. Christ forgives those who ask for forgiveness, and He strengthens those who ask for strength.
So, this is me speaking out. This is me waiting, watching and struggling. This is me finally saying, we have to change because America and its government is sinking. For some reason though, I don't feel that the captain truly wants to go down with the ship. Only a true, worthy captain will try to turn his vessel away from the iceberg, and still go down with it if need be. The sad part is, our "Captain" does nothing to stop this head on collision, and neither does he plan to go down with his ship. Sparks, flames, and all. Our "Captain", of course, is not our Creator but those who dictate our presiding government.
Is there anything we can do about it?
Hope and Prayers,
Der Fuhrer

"The church has only one altar, the altar of the Almighty...before which all creatures kneel... Whoever seeks something other than this must keep away; he cannot join us in the house of God... The church has only one pulpit, and from that pulpit, faith in God will be preached, and no other faith, and no other will than the will of God, however well-intentioned."
Well spoken Dietrich! Well spoken!
Dietrich Bonhoeffer got it. I mean that he really GOT IT. Theologian that he was, he was also a preacher, prophet, spy and martyr. Bonhoeffer said it how it was. He believed in the word of God and the work of God.
"The fearful danger of the present times is that above the cry for authority...we forget that man stands alone before the ultimate authority and that anyone who lays violent hands on man here is infringing eternal laws and taking upon himself superhuman authority which will eventually crush him."
Bonhoeffer preaches during the time of the Nazi regime. He talked openly about his dislike for Hitler's aspirations.
On the day that Hitler finally rose to power, January 30, 1933, Bonhoeffer delivered a speech that was written well before Hitler's rise. The speech was admittedly prophetic as it dealt with issues such as men in power, what man has done with the power that God has given him, and how a true leader should act. The connection over the radio was terminated and Bonhoeffer was not able to finish his speech. Some say that is was work of the Nazis.
In talking of leaders Bonhoeffer says, "...He must radically refuse to become the appeal , the idol, i.e. the ultimate authority of those whom he leads..."
Look now upon our country, the United States of America, are we being lead... Or are we being pushed around? Does our leader look at himself as the Savior of the nation still? He did, after all, say that he would bring America back to greatness... What has our Government been doing in order to make his a better country? Have they lead or pushed?
Protecting one's people should not be disarming them, should it? Imagine being a wife and mother at home alone with you small children in Boston this past week... Would you have wanted a gun? If that 19 year old bomber had crashed in your back door with a bazooka, would you want to be armed with you iPhone trying to dial 911, or would you want a 12 g. shotgun to give you and you're helpless little ones a chance. I know that some people are reading this and thinking that I'm some radical weirdo that just wants a gun to run around with. Your wrong. When I have a family of my own, I want the right to protect them if need be. Who ever would have thought that we would soon loose the right to defend ourselves. If our own government is disarming us, how are we to guard against the truly evil person who is going to find a gun and kill no matter how many gun laws, charges, or threats are in place.
This bombing in Boston is crazy and sad. It just goes to show how desperate the Terrorist's creed is. They are willing to die, kill the infidels, and go to prison over what they believe. What I am saying here in this very post makes me an infidel, possibly what our government now calls a "home grown terrorist". How messed up can our world get? The terrorists are rushed out of the country and the innocent and wounded are left to bear the loss of loved ones, limbs, and suspicions.
Bonhoeffer saw it coming before it happened. He watched as Hitler rose to his full glory. He wrote and spoke against the falsity and ferocity of this new regime, and not many listened. The people were looking for a quick fix. A leader to fix them, their problems, and their enemies. Well Germany got what it was crying for. It got a ruler. It got an idol. It got something to worship and run after... But the question is, did it really get a leader? Was Hitler a leader or was he a dictator? Germany was looking for a leader... They received a tyrant, and Bonhoeffer saw it coming even as the throngs became infatuated with this young, powerful man. Here is your god Germany, here is your king, here oh Germany is your salvation...
... Salvation never came. For the beauty became the beast and the pleasant breeze became the storm. Here oh Germany stands Der Fuhrer, The Leader.

God is our leader and He has withdrawn his hand from this nation. We have handed ourselves over to the wolves. Because we look for a quick fix, we have found eternal damnation. (not all of America is damned, but those who refuse the Word of the Almighty and the hand of God) We, as a nation have pulled away from our foundation, to create feet of clay. Without Christ who made way for us to settle in this country many a year ago, we will not be able to stay settled for long. As it is, there is only a matter of time before these feet of clay give way.
God always wanted us to be deeply rooted in him...not shallowly spread out over rocky soils that slowly chokes the life out of us.
What was said by Hitler? "Give me the children and in ten years I will have changed the nation" (not exact words, off the top of my head) ... Children no longer look to their parents for direction and help. They look to the schools (truly a branch of the government). Parents work and children grow distant while away at school learning what ever this society wants to feed them.
This all goes back to leadership and what leadership really means. Bonhoeffer's expression of a good leader, "...He must radically refuse to become the appeal, the idol, i.e. the ultimate authority of those whom he leads..."
Truth and Peace,
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Counting Blessings
Things are starting to come along on the farm as we all work through this illness. Things do get done, no matter how slow. My Daddy is putting up a green house for my Mom. She has wanted to have one all her life, so it is really cool to see how excited she is about it :)
I am trying to bless and thank God every day for all that he has given us. It is amazing the things I can look over and not be thankful for. I am trying to notice even the smallest things that I can praise God for. Sometimes it is hard to count your blessings when you are going through trials. I have come to realize that it helps me to count my blessings even when I'm not feeling super thankful, because it helps me to see what I have been given, even if it doesn't fix my problems.
Yours Truly,
I am trying to bless and thank God every day for all that he has given us. It is amazing the things I can look over and not be thankful for. I am trying to notice even the smallest things that I can praise God for. Sometimes it is hard to count your blessings when you are going through trials. I have come to realize that it helps me to count my blessings even when I'm not feeling super thankful, because it helps me to see what I have been given, even if it doesn't fix my problems.
Yours Truly,
Monday, April 8, 2013
Spring Beauty
I just wanted to share the beauty of this picture with y'all. I enjoyed my time trying to convince the buckskin stallion that I wasn't going to hurt him, I gave him horse treats and gentle pets. It was a beautiful day and when I turned back around to look at the horses one last time, I was able to snap this gorgeous picture :) It's our God amazing? Just look at the sky ;)
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