Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sparks, Flames, and All

          There comes a point when one can no longer sit silently and watch as their homeland is torn apart. One can only wait for the best to happen, but after waiting a lifetime, action seems inevitable. Many are afraid to act out. Many see things but do not mention them. And many "Stand-by" to "Stand-by", because it is easier to hurry up and wait than it is to actually do something.

          Who are we as a nation? World power? Richest? Strongest? Hmmm... I don't know anymore.

          Are "We the People" actually part of "We the Government"? Stand back, watch a moment and tell me what you see. Tell me; is God here? Is He moving? Where is our loyalty and foundation in Christ? It seems to me that it sank into the soil and dissipated over time.

         That rugged old cross was the emblem upon which we based the whole of the Constitution, Declaration, and foundation of this country.

          Hey, maybe some of our founding fathers were weird and some of them rather insane, but 95% of them were strong God fearing men who created a blueprint for this nation under God.

          We have been slowly drifting out to sea. Our original goal? To stay ashore. Should we not at least be fighting the waves? They grow stronger and more true every mile we are carried away from land. The worst is yet to come if we don't start fighting to swim back to dry ground. A horrible death; drowning lies ahead.

          As America has become secular, liberal, and materialistic, humankind has pulled away from its life source. Christ.

          Many of course don't realize or believe this. They think that a life full of sex, drugs, and partying can be sustained somehow, yet deep inside they wonder how they will make it from one day to the next with the shame that they feel. There is always hope you see. Even though shore seems a long way off, if the waves are fought against, one will find a strong hand helping and guiding as they swim back to safety. Christ forgives those who ask for forgiveness, and He strengthens those who ask for strength.

         So, this is me speaking out. This is me waiting, watching and struggling. This is me finally saying, we have to change because America and its government is sinking. For some reason though, I don't feel that the captain truly wants to go down with the ship. Only a true, worthy captain will try to turn his vessel away from the iceberg, and still go down with it if need be. The sad part is, our "Captain" does nothing to stop this head on collision, and neither does he plan to go down with his ship. Sparks, flames, and all. Our "Captain", of course, is not our Creator but those who dictate our presiding government.

         Is there anything we can do about it?

Hope and Prayers,


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