Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Passing By

And do the days fly by! Can you even see them, hear them, or remember them? They are like a swallow swooping over, ahead, and behind. Like water that slips through your fingers, so the days are.

Make the most of them as they pass, mind you, or you will never remember their former existence.

There is no glory in a day gone by without purpose or passion. one must take hold of the time given and act upon the strength allotted  by God. If the energy sits wasted and unused, it will be a disgrace and dishonor to the Giver.

Why ask for strength if there is no purpose behind the request other than personal gain?

Ask for a healthy body and a strong back so that you may use them laboring in the harvest. Maybe you cannot labor. Don't let this stop you, beloved. Run onward and upward. Pray, encourage, love, do what you can for His glory.

Days do pass where you feel like you are not working for the glory of our Lord. Examine your heart and ask yourself why this time passes by. Seek what is high above. Lean on the Almighty.

Place your EVERY day in His hands. He will turn your hearts to himself.

Is there anything you can do of your own power that is good? No, beloved. Christ, and only through Him, can we endeavor to do what is right.

May the ruler of the skies, the oceans, and the mountains also be placed in your heart as the ruler over your time and the gifts He has bestowed upon you.
