Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Bridge to Hell

"If Sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for." ~ Charles Spurgeon

This quote struck something deep inside me. I thought about how so many Christians sit back and watch people run into the gates of Hell. In many ways we (Christians) are building a bridge for them. When a lost person walks into church and there is no friendly face to invite them in, love on them, and care about them, they run walk away more empty that before. They think, "Why on earth would I want Christianity if it looks like this?" When the lost are drawn into the doors of a church and are never fed true love and true friendship, they never learn what knowing Christ is really like. They may think that they have the real thing because it is what you have and everyone else in the church has, but it isn't what Christ intended all to have. When we have "Religion", we don't have Christ. When we have "Church", we don't have Christ. When we have a large congregation, we don't have Christ.

Then when do we have Christ? You might ask.

We have Christ when we have nothing. We have Christ when we have His love in our hearts. We have Christ once we truly realize what it means to die to self. We have Christ when we have His word, not religion. Religion never did anything of worth for anybody. It only paved a path to the gates of Hell.

So many people think that if they have religion, they have a free ticket to Paradise.


If you have Christ, you are alive. If you have religion, you are dead.

When a Christian truly has Christ, he or she will desire to love. They will throw themselves into the arms of the poor, helpless, and lost. They will begin to tear down the bridge that others have built before them.

So unintentionally did the Bridge to Hell get built, few realize that it exists. Few see the dangers of the Bridge. You don't realize how much Satan desires to protect it. He was thrilled when the blueprints were conceived in the depths of his dark mind, now he rejoices that he hardly had to lift a finger to lay a single stone within the foundation of this Bridge. We did all the work for him.

Friends and family, please hear the cry of a heart that so desperately longs to throw a rope of caution across the entrance to that bridge. Hear the voice of one who is breaking every day for those who walk across the Bridge to Hell. Cast off false religion and pride. Help me not only to destroy the Bridge to Hell, but help me to lay a Path to Heaven.

When my days are done on this earth, I don't want the Path to Heaven to be shiny and new. I want it to be old and tattered, worn and beaten down by the millions that have danced their way into the Golden Gates...

Many tears cried for you,


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