Thursday, October 3, 2013

Broken, Weak, and Weary = A Good Place to Be

     Do you ever feel tired out and just plain spent? Your worries seem to loom like a gathering storm and you are not sure how you're going to stay dry when the storm clouds break. It seems like you are constantly stuck between two boulders that never budge. Every little thing seems to irritate you, give you a headache, or set you in a bad mood. Dirty socks on the living room floor (the culprit to be left un-named), five loads of laundry calling, "fold me!" on the couch, a fridge with a sticky puddle of goop on the top shelf (that has been there for who-knows-how-long), and a newly scrubbed front porch with artistic puppy paws stamped across it in lovely red mud (oh, I love you Phoebe, I love you Addie, but I just don't like you right now!!!)...these are the things aren't they? The things that tend to drive us me crazy.
     I don't know about you, but a deep breath (a big sigh of "oh great" or "not again!") is sure to follow when these things pop up (*note*: seemingly all at once). I am tempted to grab a handful of hair and run out of my house screaming...but that would not be completely in character, and...yes, it would be rather scary!
     Sometimes I can look around, see everything that is wrong, and still stand tall, knowing that God will give me the strength to get through my day. Nope, I don't even have to worry about tomorrow. All I need to do is glorify God through the work He has given me to do in the here and now. And trust me, I am not always going to glorify Him! I will stumble and make Him sad. I can take comfort in the fact that He is teaching me every second of every day, in every circumstance, trial, and pain. He is watching me and keeping me, holding me, and weeping over me. What more can I ask for? He loves me. Will a crumb covered kitchen counter, or a yucky over-filled trash can change that? No. Will the finger smudged windows or the washer full of two-day-old wet laundry take away from that? Never.

     Don't ever believe that you are any less to Him or He is any less to you because the world has tried to overwhelm you. There is a hope beyond a hope beyond a hope for you! He is hope itself.

     Please, don't grab a handful of hair and run out of your house screaming! Grasp the horns of the altar and lay it all at to foot of the cross. As spent, tired, and worthless as you feel, you are a beautiful sight my friend. You are right where God wants you. Right where He can work and love on you the most. When you are broken, you will be put back together. Some things cannot be fixed until they are broken. Once they are broken, they can be re-shaped and re-made into something whole and beautiful. Don't look at this weariness as a bad thing. Look at it as a tool that God is using to break you, and re-make you. He cares enough to use these little things (dirty socks, snotty noses, and stained t-shirts) to change you. What a thought!

     God bless you all!

With love,

~Rachel Rose



  1. Rachel, this is what I needed to read, just in time. We are in the middle of trying to adopt a dog, a dog that loves us and we love him already. Our landlord said no very rudely when he saw him....we are looking for a place to move, and then the dog came....I want to sceam and run to the shelter and adopt the dog. And then school and other activities get in the way. I need to go somewhere private, take a breath, and ask the Lord for forgiveness, patience, and diligence. Focus on the one day and what you are doing NOW(I'm a big worrier over future events,)
    Have a blessed evening!

    1. I will be praying for you! If you ever need prayer for anything, please don't hesitate to ask ;)

      Love in Christ,

