Friday, December 27, 2013

Go, Humble Yourself

You know that moment when everyone else is wrong and you are right? The time where there is no possible way you could be in the wrong? The time when you say what is on your mind because it is the obvious "truth". I hope you can note my shade of sarcasm here. In the heat of the moment (at least for me) I am right and I have no doubt in my mind about it. My pride takes over and my bad side comes out. 

The other day I had one of these moments...Someone treated me in a way I thought I oughtn't be treated, so I spoke out in anger. I was deaf to the truth endeavoring to whisper in my ear, as I left to room feeling offended, hurt, and upset. As I continued about my work, I knew deep down that I was wrong but I couldn't bring myself to how I was wrong. Something inside me began to cry, "God, break me! I am blind to my sin. Show me where I am wrong. Bring me to my knees and humble me.Shatter my pride and give me the strength to admit when I have sinned." Something clicked at that moment. My mind flew to my quiet time a few hours earlier. I was reading Proverbs 6. Verses 2-3 say, "If you have been snared with the words of your mouth, Have been caught with the words of your mouth, do this then, my son, and deliver yourself...go, humble yourself..." This stopped me in my tracks and the Spirit brought about the repentance I had been desperately longing for. All of this leading to an apology and a reunion with the person I had upset.

I tell you this so you may learn from my mistakes as well as your own. Remember; the truth is not in what you think is right, it is in what God commands as right. Even in the heated moment when you have been wronged by someone, don't shut out the fact that you are capable of being wrong. Remember the weakness in your own flesh as you (easily) remember the weaknesses in others. Stop and ask God to humble you, even if you are angry and feeling unforgiving. Ask Him to bring you to a place of repentance and realization.

We are human, sinful, and weak, but through the grace of God, we are conquerors. We can better combat our human nature, when it is apparent to us that it exists. If we deny the weakness that courses throughout our frail bodies and minds, we are foolish. When you sin, don't wallow in condemnation and sorrow, recognize your fault, plead with the Father, ask forgiveness, and learn from your sin. It may sound odd, but I say, get as much out of your mistakes as you can. Examine points where you were weak and study what you can do differently to honor God the next time. 

Every mistake, ever blunder is a learning experience. What will you make of them?


1 comment:

  1. Very right Rachel. I struggle with this a LOT in my life. I have brothers and a sister and in winter I never feel well and being so close to the family for months that is quite something. But, this is certianly something I should think about.
    Have a nice evening!
