Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why are we not the happiest people in the world?

As Christians we know and believe that Christ died for our sins and broke the chain of sin and death that otherwise would have dragged us to hell.  [Deep breathe]  Right?  Yes.  Then why aren't we the happiest people on earth?!  If you think of Hell, a dark place or a place of fire and brim stone (either way you would prefer to think it--Neither sound very soft and cozy if you ask me!), and we were saved from it!  Through Christs selfless death on the Cross for our sins, we were set free from the depths of Hell itself.  We should be the most joyful people that ever lived!  I know a few Christians that seem to be pretty doom and gloom if you ask me and I think that when we don't put a smile on our faces to  show others why we are happy, then we are not seeing what we were really saved from!


  1. Even I'm not as happy as I should be all the time! I should be rejoicing every day of my life!
