Friday, December 9, 2011

Who made them?

Look at this pic.  Do you know what it is?  You might say,  "Well, duh, stars!"  Well, yes and no.  There are stars in these amazing things called Galaxies!  You may or may not have heard of a Galaxy, and that is OK :)  I am going to tell you :)  Well, I am going to explain the basics, 'cause I am not a rocket scientist it would be hard for me to tell you everything.  So think real hard here.  Our galaxy ALONE is approximately (A very rough number)  588,785,644,234,773,200 (about 6 quadrillion miles wide).  Things this large and to this magnitude can hardly be measured in MILES.  In this case most would use Light years (6 trillion miles).  It is said that the Milky Way is around 100,000 light years wide so if you do your math, 100,000 times 6 trillion you get something like 600,000,000,000,000,000 miles wide!!!! But look at how big that is!  There is said to be any were from 200 - 400 BILLION stars in the Milk way!

Look at that picture up above now.  Every one of those shiny things you see are not stars.  They are galaxies!!!!  Some are many times bigger than our own, some are smaller.  In 1999 astronomers said that there were approximately 125 BILLION galaxies in the universe each hundreds of thousand of light years across!!! 

If there are 350 billion stars in our galaxy then how may are there in the universe?  I don't know!!!  Well there must be around 450,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe!  Our galaxy is expanding.  Getting bigger.  If you think about it, the whole universe must be as well.  It just blows my mind! 

Our Creator knows EVERY star by name!! I can't remember all my cats nicknames and he has around 20.  Such a small number.  Cant you see now how small you are?  Can't you see how great our creator is?  Just look into stars and Light years, galaxies and all of that and you will just wonder how a big bang could have ever made everything the way it is.  Yes, there was a big bang, God said, "Let there be light!"  And it was.

The Pistol Star and Nebula image taken by Hubble Space Telescope and NICMOS. The star is the white dot in the middle of the image field.This is The Pistol star.  It is not the largest star in the Universe but is is REALLY big.  It is 100 times the mass of our sun.  And think, 1,300,000 earths could fit in the sun!  That makes 130,000,000 earths that could fit in a STAR!  I just think it so amazing what God has made.  The Universe is so vast we could never hope to know its exact size!  Like I said I believe in the Big bang.  "Let there be light!" And there were trillions upon quadrillions of stars and a sun just close enough not to fry us and just far enough away not to freeze the face of earth.

How great is our God?  You answere that question. 


  1. Very nice post!!! And YES! Our God is SO amazing!!! Words can't even begin to describe how magnificent He is! Very nice post. And how incredible it is to think that there are sooo many stars and such up in the sky!!! God is an all Powerful Almighty King!!! And HE is Greatly to be praised!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. I wrote a comment to your last post as well btw! :)

  2. Thanks :) I find this to be an interesting thing to look at, stars I mean :) Stars galaxies and all of that are amazing!

  3. Yes indeed!!! God's creation is incredible!!!! :D

  4. Sometimes it is to mind blowing to even try to think of the universe!

  5. Great pic, Rachel. My mom is always saying that she doesn't "get" how anyone can look at nature and think it just evolved - that there isn't a Creator. It is so true that we do get caught up in "life" and forget to notice the beauty around us. Living out in the country has definitely given me more of an appreciation for nature.

  6. I don't get it either! I mean, look at the beautiful and wonderful process of birth. How can anyone watch a baby of any sort (Animal or human) be born and still think that we evolved?!
