Monday, June 4, 2012

Broken toys and Broken people

          Like a child, sometimes we have to come forward and place the broken pieces before our Father.  Like a kid with a broken toy.  There is no way that we can fix the toy, it is utterly destroyed.  Or, in some cases, the toy isn't so broken.  Maybe a crack, a fallen off weal.  Not too bad, right?  No.  That toy is going to slowly break further as the child plays with it.  Soon the toy will fall to pieces.

          Like our lives.  We are broken people.  We have broken pieces.  Sometimes we try to ignore them, and say that they are only little things.  No problem.  Well, when your brokenness is swept under the rug, it is still there.  And sometimes it festers, grows bigger, and weighs you down.  Soon it will break beyond your repair.

          Don't sweep your broken shatters away, pick them up as best you can and bring them to your Father and say, "Daddy, can you fix it?"


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