Thursday, June 7, 2012

Broken People are Beautiful People

          Every soul is broken to a certain degree.  Some don't even realize their brokenness.  Look around you, you will find broke people, humans that have hurt, been hurt, and pained in their lives.  But is there only pain? Will there always be pieces to shattered lives across the globe?

          God loves broken people.  He also loves to use them for his glory.  There is nothing more pleasing or glorifying to God than when a shattered life is placed before Him, when we ask him to lift us up and put us back together.

          Broken people are beautiful people.  You are a wonderful creation.  I am a wonderful creation.  God has been waiting all of your life for the moment when you would hand him all your brokenness and say, "I can't fix this on my own."

He will look at you and smile, love in his eyes, and a graceful heart.

"I can put you back together."

Beauty and Blessings,



  1. Thanks for following! I have checked out your blog and I believe I am already a follower! Thanks again and God bless!
