Monday, May 5, 2014

Prayer for Us

It really feels like ages since I have written to you all. I have been living a life filled with busyness!!! It's alright. Yes, it is :) I am busy because...well, it's summer! Summer is always a busy time for my family because we are planting the garden. The other reason why I have been so busy happens to be wedding planning. I am glad for every second of it, though. I would do this and so much more if I needed to in order to marry my fiancé.

Every day it strikes me that I am getting married! I can hardly imagine being called "Mrs." right now :) I can't wait, though. I feel so blessed. God is so good.

Yes, it is easy for me to say that now, right? I pray that in five years I will still be as excited and thankful as I am now. God is giving me a huge blessing by allowing me to be joined in marriage to this man! He has challenged me to be a better person, to walk as Christ walked. He has shown me in many ways what it means to pray. He has taught me what a godly, strong young man looks like. He made it easy for me to say "YES". There wasn't a question in my mind whether I should accept his offer when he proposed.

A few years ago I would have asked you, "How do you know when he is The One?", "What if you marry the wrong man after all?" Don't pay attention to these whisperings. If you are in the Word and in His will, it will be clear. Whether he is everything you ever dreamed of or not, he will be who you dream of ;) When God places Prince Charming in your path, don't automatically assume it is him. Wait and watch the Almighty work. He will draw you into his plans and write your love story for you. that I have come back from a bunny trail.

The wedding is in 26 days! I am getting super excited! I pray that God really speaks to people through the ceremony...

I would ask for prayer. We will be moving five hours away from home. We will still be in TN, but five hours seems so far. God has a work for us where He is leading. I know He is going to use us for His glory there. I just ask that y'all would pray for a low-stress move. We are moving some stuff on the 17th and we will actually be moving sometime after the 12th of June.

I continually pray that God would help us settle into a church where we can best honor and glorify Him.

Thank you all for your prayers!

Rachel S.


  1. Oh Rachel, I'm so glad you have such a blessing!!!! Congratulations, and I sincerely hope you guys have fun! I often wonder if I will ever get married, but I love weddings. Will you post pictures?
    Have a beautiful and blessed day Rachel!

  2. I don't usually post pictures of myself and family on the internet...
