Thursday, February 7, 2013

Rainy days in one's soul

Do you know that time when it seems like nothing is going right? Yeah. I've been having one of those days! It's ok though :) I'm just complaining :)

I know that God is doing something and he is doing it for a reason. I realize that so many times I complain about my situation and what is going on, yet there are millions of people out there that have it worse than I do. To be honest, it is humbling.

Realizing that God has you exactly where he wants you for a reason is an eye opener. I'm not saying that God "has" thousands of people in poverty and suffering. But, he does know where they are and how he is going to work his Glory through them.

Don't be discouraged if you are having a "bad" day. I know it may be raining in your soul, but it doesn't have to be. Christ gives a joy that can wipe all your tears away and turn those gray skies to blue.

I'm not saying that God will pull you out of your current situation just because you ask. But that he will help you through your trials. He wants to see what your reaction to these obstacles are and know that you are going to cling to him and the cross rather than your own strength.

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