Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Simply Laugh

Sometimes you just have to laugh! There are days when I can't keep from laughing because if I was not laughing I would be crying. Do you have those days?

Joy is something that the Lord has given us as a gift. Sometimes it comes naturally and sometimes we have to work real hard before we dig up the treasure of true joy (sometimes we don't take the time to see that Christ is holding peace and joy out to us). Many times I am tempted to mope around when I am having a bad day I sometimes do.  But I got to thinkin', what good does it do for me, my family, and everyone I come in contact with? Being down happens sometimes, I know that. Some days it seems like there is a storm cloud over my head just waiting to burst open...sometimes it does...

Most of the time it is obvious when someone is having "one of those days". Think though, is it obvious when you are having a good day? Do you smile, laugh, and praise God as much as you do the opposite on a bad day?

Listen to me though. I understand that we are all human! We get angry, we get upset, and we get emotional about things...God created us this way, right? He wants us to be human because that is who he created us to be. But he doesn't want us to go around cursing his creation because our day (which is truly His day) is going wrong.

Ok, so what if someone calls you a name. Yeah, so, she thinks you are fat...that is her problem. Really?! He just pulled out in front of you? Oh well, you'll still get to work on time. Problems can be solved by simply letting go sometimes. Even though things make our blood boil, it doesn't mean that they have to squash our hopes of a joyous day. Simmer a moment while you get things under control, then asses the situation and see weather it is really worth getting worked up over. Look around you. You are alive. You are forgiven. You have been saved. SIMPLY LAUGH!

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