Every child that is brought into the world for whatever reason, is a blessing from God. Sometimes people who really love children cannot have their own, yet there are thousands out there that can have children that don't want them because they are an inconvenience to their lifestyle...wow, murder for convenience...
What has this poor world come to? Why are we killing the next generation? How can we commit per-meditated murder on a helpless child that might have grown up to be a lovely, smiling, happy, child?
Once an abortion is done, the mother may feel glad that the inconvenience is out of the way but deep inside she will be hurt for the rest of her life. She will look at every child that passes by and wonder if they look at all like the child that she had once carried...would she have been brunette? Would she have had dimples like me? Could she have grown up to love what I love? These are all questions that they might ask. Don't ever get in a position where you will be asking yourself these painful questions every day of your life...
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