Friday, August 22, 2014

God, not man

There are those of us who are visionaries and those of us who aren't. It is that simple. Visionaries tend to take an idea or dream and run with it, making it a reality by way of prayer, work and anticipation. Non-visionaries often focus on the present, pouring energy into the here and now.

 I'm not erring on either side or saying that visionaries are better than non-visionaries or the other way around. I think both types of people are very effective in their own ways.

A visionary may have his or her future thought out and have a vision for what that is going to hopefully look like. He or she may have a dream for ministry and outreach that has been growing in their mind. They may have a good idea about a lot of things but not know what the day's schedule should be, or what he or she is going to eat for breakfast.

A non-visionary is going to have an idea about the day ahead and probably will have already eaten breakfast, knowing that there is work to be done that day. He or she may not know everything about the day, or what it is all going to entail, but they know that it is a day, and every day is different, and God has a plan for each day.
These two types of people are very different in their way of thinking. They go about tasks differently. They talk differently. They plan in opposite ways. They do ministry differently. They are radical opposites...I don't really need to go on, right? The names we use make it obvious: Visionary and NON-visionary.

Okay, now I want to make my point. I am not going to argue over whether one is better than the other or whether I am one or the other. It honestly doesn't matter! God has created us all to be unique and different. What I am going to try and get at here is vision in general.

When it comes to being human, which we all are, I hope, vision is something that drives us. Whether we are considered to be "visionary" or not. We as children of the Almighty need to have a vision. We need to have a goal, something to strive for.

When I say "vision", I'm not talking about some life changing, radical flash of lightning/boom bang that happens in the middle of the night or on your Damascus road. I'm not talking about the reason why your grandmother wears glasses.

 I'm talking about something that is ordinary yet extraordinary. Simple yet complicated. Driving and compelling.

This "vision" I speak of has to do with your life and what you are going to do with it. Whether you are focusing on the day ahead or the year ahead, vision helps to bring clarity to those who are trying to walk the Narrow Way.

Vision has to do with what God is calling you to do with your life.

I can give you an example from scripture in just a moment.

Say a father wants to have a vision for his family and he is looking in scripture to find something that would point him to a more specific goal. He finds this verse:

"...May the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15:5-6

So....this verse can bring about a vision in a man's mind. It tells him that he must unify his family and with one accord glorify the Father. This is very basic, but this is vision. It is a starting point. From this point one can grow into a more specific vision. There are other aspects of this that lead to a greater fuller vision for a family.

I hope I am not completely confusing you all! I am trying to bring about a realization that this generation lacks vision. So often people are living in the here and now to please themselves. There are those who live in the here and now to praise the Lord, and there is nothing wrong with that. But what I see is people wandering here and there just doing the next thing. There is no hope in their calling. There is no drive in their step. There is nothing backing their search for true happiness other than selfishness and worthless hope in this world.

If you are in Christ, it is your job to have a vision. Whether it is a small or big vision, it is there, and it should exist to honor and magnify the Creator.

What are your motives? What are your goals? What drives you? What makes you happy?

Ask yourself these questions as you search your heart and determine whether you have vision, whether the vision is God-honoring, and whether there is a hope in what you are striving for.

If you are a parent, it is so important to have a family vision. When you have this vision it grows and develops over the years. Your children will feed into it and will be able to make decisions based off of this. Both mother and father will be on the same page knowing that they are running towards the same finish line. They can be unified in the way they plan, work and discipline, because they know they have the same goal.

If you are married without kids, it is good to pray about what God has for you as a couple. What vision does God want the two of you to have?

If you are single, it is the same. Ask God for a drive to have a goal, something that you can work towards for His glory. Whether you are on the college campus or in your parents home, you can find vision. While you are still at home, you can seek out the family vision and strive to fulfill the vision you father has for the family. If you are out on your own, look for opportunity to joint the vision of a church, fellowship, or group that has the same values as you do.

Please, hear what I am saying, not because I am saying it, but because this is a pressing issue. So many families are falling apart because they have no goal, nothing to throw their weight against as a unified team. When a family is not unified in vision the ropes that tie them together start to fray and split, causing more damage and a loose, dangerous hold.

I feel that I may have made my point, and I pray it is clear. You don't have to be a visionary to have a vision, and if you are a visionary, it still may prove to be a challenge to seek God for this vision.

Make it a priority to place in your life a goal. Bring yourself to a point where you have something to run hard after. And I'm not saying, "Go, do anything..." I'm speaking about a vision that brings about the glorification of God, not man.

In hope and Christ's Strength,


Thursday, August 21, 2014

My Family is Starting a Business!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know this is totally random and all, but I thought I would share, because I care about the farm so much (and miss it so much [wipes tears out of eyes])! My dream was to start a ministry/business while I was home making house, but it never happened. Now my mom is bringing the dream into reality by starting a business :)

I would love to support her in any way possible, so I have decided to brag on her ;)

The farm name is "Raisin' Acres Farm", a place where you will find healthy happy chickens, goats, cows, dogs, turkeys, rabbits, and cats. The usefulness of the latter is merely to keep the ego of the barn running (they have five sassy cats). Mom makes goat milk soap, creme and herbal salves.


Here is the link to the site:

Walking in love

"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; walking in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma." Ephesians 5:1

What does it mean to be imitators of God? How do we do this? 

This verse seems to give us a crucial piece of information: "...walk in love..."

When we see this it is easy to think, I walk in love. I tell my wife I love her. I give to charity.

Yes, in some ways you may be walking in love, but you are not fully walking in love until you grasp the depth of what it means to love "just as Christ also loved".

You can be doing wonderful things for people outside of the home and once you step over the threshold, loving the ones you live with seems ten times as hard.

Christ loved. When I say he loved, I mean it killed Him. He brought it all to the table and held nothing back. He "...gave Himself up for us..."

Your family may be hard to love at times, right? Why?

What difference should it make that you live with them? The very fact that you know them gives you the perfect opportunity to love them best. You know their weaknesses and you see their strengths. Just to pray for them every day in a heart of humility would be loving them! You can't wait for someone to change before you start loving them the way you ought, the way you have been commanded to love them by God.

Jesus didn't wait for us to become more holy or more worthy before he started to love us.

"For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly...while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:6 and 8.

Would you die for a sinner? Would you lay you life down to save your fellow man?

This is the call to love, brethren. Will you walk in love?

"Greater love has no man than this, that one lay down his life for his friends" John 15:13

I'm not telling you to go out and look for opportunities to die for people, honest. I'm just expressing the extreme side of this "walking in love". Christ commands us to love as he has loved, "This is my  commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you." John 15:12

So way does this mean for us? How can we apply it?

Well, I would say a good place to start would be within the walls of your own home. Remember, a family who loves one another is a greater light to the world  than someone who thinks love can be expressed through the mere giving of money or an outward display of charity. To love your family is to sacrifice your time and energy to be with them and pray for them. To love is to commit to be strong through the storms with them. To love is to be honest and grace filled. To love is to be yourself, not what the world says you should be. To love is to lay down desires to help fulfill the dreams of others. To love is to be courageous and truthful. To love is to honor and respect. To love is to put your pride away and act in humility.

Ah... What a picture. If we all took Christ's command to heart and loved to the best of our ability in Christ, this world would be completely turned upside down. People would be changed. The lost wold be found. The hope of the Cross would bleed from our lives lived in the glorious reality of Jesus's sacrifice for us. 

What are we waiting for?! What is keeping us from the beauty of "walking in love"?

Let us strive to attain to our Lord's command to love one another. Let us lay down our lives if we are called to do so. 

Let us walk in love, beloved. Let us walk in love.